You may have seen us write about “distributed energy resources” here in The GVEC Review or on GVEC’s website, blog or in other Cooperative publications. If you’re not familiar with the term, there’s a high probability you will be in coming years.

What are Distributed Energy Resources?

In the word of energy, distributed energy resources (DERs) are making significant waves. Examples include rooftop solar panel systems, home battery storage solutions, electric vehicles (EV) and EV charging systems. Real-time data collection allows owners to monitor and adjust their electricity usage, leading to potential cost savings on energy bills. Some DERs also have the ability to communicate with each other and the electrical infrastructure, paving the way for transformative possibilities.

Critical Connections

To fully unluck the potential of DERs, a robust fiber-based infrastructure is essential. Only fiber-optic cables the immense data generated, transmitted and received by these devices. At GVEC, we are actively integrating fiber-based communications into our electric grid, enabling optimal performance of DERs. Beyond providing ultrafast and stable internet, fiber helps shape the electric grid of the future, empowering both electric providers and consumers to have greater control over their energy consumption.

DERs and Your Cooperative

If you already own home solar panels, and EV, an EV charger or a battery storage solution, you are part of the DER revolution. For those who haven’t taken the plunge yet, GVEC offers a range of products and services, including solar panel systems, battery storage solutions and private EV chargers for homes and small businesses. Additionally, our SunHub™ Community Solar program presents an opportunity for utility-scale DER participation.  As DERs become more prevalent, utility-scale battery storage and other initiatives will shape the future of the electric industry.

A Brighter Future with DERs

Imagine the convenience of charging your EV overnight at home, eliminating the need for frequent stops at public filling stations. GVEC can help make this a reality through our EV charger installation rebate, providing support for both residential and commercial installations. Even if you don’t directly adopt consumer-level DERs, their impact will be felt in the years to come, as the energy grid undergoes significant transformation. That’s why GVE and our members are embracing DERs, leading the way towards a better, more sustainable energy future.

Together, let’s shape the energy grid of tomorrow. GVEC is ready to power the way forward.

I am always interested in your comments and feedback. Contact me at 830.857.1152, or P.O. Box 118, Gonzales, Texas 78629.


Darren Schauer

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