You’ve heard it said that classics never go out of style, and it’s true—even in the case of an emergency kit!

With hurricane season upon us, it’s important to have an emergency kit ready. Things like canned goods and water, a can opener, candles, and first aid supplies may come to mind. While those things are definitely part of any well-put-together emergency kit, you may be forgetting about other important items.

With information almost constantly available at our fingertips via our cellphones, some important items can be easily overlooked. “I won’t need that; I have it on my phone,” may be what some people are thinking in our modern world of convenience. But if the power goes out for an extended amount of time, you might run the risk of your cell phone dying—even after utilizing back up cellphone batteries or portable chargers.

There are some things that are oldies but goodies you should always stock in your emergency kits. Here’s a list of such items:

Flashlights and spare batteries

Many people have become accustom to using their phone flashlight. Make sure you have at least one traditional flash light and extra batteries for it on hand.

Camera (battery-powered digital or disposable)

If you can’t snap pictures with your phone, you’ll want to have some sort of camera on hand to take shots or damages that may be needed for insurance claims. Be sure to have extra batteries on hand for battery-powered cameras.

Battery-powered or hand-crank weather radio

Even if your phone isn’t dead, you may not have cell service during or following a disaster or weather emergency. A radio will keep you updated on area news and weather conditions. Have extra batteries on hand for this, too.

Phone numbers

If you can’t access contact in your phone, you’ll need a listing of numbers to call from a land line. Local emergency services, power and utility providers, insurance companies, family, friends and work phone numbers are examples of contacts to include.

Paper documents

Keep copies of insurance policies, bank account numbers, medical records, social security cards and other important documents in a water-proof container. You’ll be able to access them quickly and easily if needed.


If ATMs or stores’ card readers are out of service, you’ll be glad to have some cash on hand.

It’s also a good idea everyone old enough in the family knows exactly where these items are, how to use them and how to change the batteries. There’s a good chance some adolescent and teen-aged members of your family have never even seen a battery powered radio or camera—a thought that might make a few of us feel as “classic” as some of the items on our list.


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