We’ve recently heard about solar providers making claims in our service territory that aren’t quite accurate. Among the most common is that a solar panel system will completely eliminate electric bills. The truth is, for most homeowners in South Central Texas, an average-sized solar panel system won’t achieve this goal. Is this possible? The answer is yes, but you must ensure you have information you can trust to understand all the factors of making it happen.

Less-than-trustworthy contractors, however, are convinced you won’t buy unless they promise something too good to be true. But what happens after the sale, after the panels are installed and operating under impossible expectations?

This is why we’re writing this blog—to let you know, neighbor to neighbor, you can depend on GVEC for accurate, straightforward information on solar technology. Our cooperative values demand a people-first mindset. Over the years, this approach has earned us a reputation among the communities we serve for integrity and trustworthiness.

The non-commissioned solar solutions specialists at GVEC have the expertise to answer all your questions without creating unrealistic expectations. They can also help design a customized, budget-friendly solar solution that, over time, will pay you back in energy savings many times over. We don’t make promises we can’t keep. And whether you partner with GVEC on an alternative-energy lifestyle or not, we’re always here to help sort fact from promises that are too good to be true. Give us a chance to help you make the right decision for your solar future.

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