GVEC debuted the Peak-Time Payback (PTP) demand response program in 2018, originally known as the Rush Hour Rewards. As we head into another summer, I’m pleased to report that the Peak-Time Payback program has expanded again. In addition to smart thermostats, Enphase IQ batteries are now a part of the program. This is allowing more members than ever to help keep electric rates fair and competitive long-term, as well as contribute to the resiliency and sustainability of the Texas electric grid.

Grid Resiliency and Sustainability
As the Texas population grows at record rates with resulting demand and varied challenges existing to incentivize new generation sources, the resiliency and sustainability of the Texas grid are of utmost importance. As the debate between legislators, regulators, and industry participants continues, GVEC is taking advantage of the advanced technology, strong partnerships, and the growing number of members interested in alternative energy resources as well as strengthening the grid.

This is precisely the reason for introducing Enphase IQ batteries into the PTP program. Working as an aggregated virtual power plant, these systems are accessible at all times to lessen the strain on the grid in real time. This allows GVEC the ability to be a resource in crucial times of need and save money by reducing peaks. It also allows for members to reap the benefits of battery ownership plus get an on-going annual investment payback just for participating.

Residential and commercial members using solar and battery systems save GVEC and the membership in several ways. In simple terms, it is the balance of supply and demand. Less demand means less supply of generation and transmission is needed—which in turn means fewer expenses are incurred for those activities. Additionally, during peak times, power prices are at their highest—decreasing the amount of energy purchased can be a game-changer. At the time of this writing, the number of Enphase batteries enrolled in the program is relatively small but we are just getting started. Over time we expect enrollment to grow substantially along with other future demand response technologies.

Since PTP began, nearly 3,000 members have enrolled in the program, and over $1M has been saved. These savings have exponential power to increase as the program and member participation continue to grow.

I highly encourage all members to explore your options to participate in PTP at gvec.org. Both the smart thermostat and battery programs offer an upfront bill credit upon registration in addition to an annual bill credit every year you are enrolled.

We appreciate your support and will continue to seek new ways to bring value and offer solutions that exceed your needs and expectations.

I am always interested in your comments and feedback. Contact me by phone at 830.857.1152, by email at dschauer@gvec.org or by mail at P.O. Box 118, Gonzales, Texas 78629.

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