In the years since we began offering home solar panels, GVEC has seen a steady increase in demand for these systems. Clearly, customers in and around our service territory want greater control over their electricity usage, greater energy independence and sustainability. They want to save money on electricity bills, too. A home solar panel system can be a big step toward achieving these goals.

Maximizing Solar with Help from the U.S. Government

In addition to bill credits for excess solar power sold back to your Cooperative, you can also get a 26% federal tax credit just for buying and installing a solar panel system on your home! Although this credit was set to decrease to 22% on January 1, 2021, Congressional legislation extended your opportunity to take advantage of the full 26% tax incentive through 2022.

Store It and Save Even More

Although members who sell excess power back to GVEC can still enjoy substantial savings from their alternative energy investment, we offer another way to get even more bang for your solar buck: home battery storage. A home battery storage solution like those offered by GVEC lets you store excess power generated by your panels onsite. This excess power is then available at night or other times of the day when panels don’t generate the electricity needed to support your immediate energy consumption. Using excess solar power this way not only bypasses Distribution charges, but also gives owners greater flexibility and control over individual power usage.

Don’t be Shut Down by an Outage

Many prospective solar panel buyers don’t realize in the event of a power outage, homes with solar panel systems lose power, too. Shutting down these systems prevents back-feeding to de-energized lines, helping keep GVEC linemen safe as they work to fix the outage. With home battery storage, you can keep power flowing in your home even during an outage. The areas of the home powered during an outage and for how long depend on the size of the battery storage system and the system’s customized settings.

Get More from Solar with Battery Storage from GVEC

Interested in knowing more? Our solar solutions specialists aren’t paid on commission. They deliver dependable, honest information that’s never too good to be true—information designed to help you make realistic, informed decisions about solar solutions for your home and family. To learn more call 866.684.2359 or visit

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